VIRTUAL CLASSROOM: This learning session has three video modules:
- Virtual Classes for Teachers: (click here)
This video demonstrates how to use the Virtual Classroom in D2L's Brightspace platform (also known as the courses in your Launchpad Learning Portal). Teachers will learn how to create a virtual class to record themselves teaching lessons using tools like PowerPoints, screen sharing, and whiteboards. Teachers will also learn how to use the Virtual Classroom for synchronous meetings with students. All lessons/meetings can be recorded for later viewing.
- Saving Virtual Classes for more than 3 months: (click here)
Right now, virtual classes that are recorded are only visible until August 2020. If you want to save your virtual lesson that you created for your students to be able to use indefinitely into the future (in later Brightspace courses), you can learn how to save the virtual lesson to your computer and upload it to your Brightspace course.
- How Students Access the Virtual Classroom: (click here)
This video shows you how your students can log into the Launchpad Learning Portal to access Brightspace courses. It demonstrates how they can access their virtual classes and join them or view recorded lessons. You can right click on the link above and paste it into an Edsby message/fee, email, or Brightspace announcement for your students to view.
Video Notes: (click here)
Video notes are a really neat feature in D2L's Brightspace. They work on both Chrome and Firefox; but more importantly, they can be created on tablets (iPads, etc.) and smartphones as well. Teachers can create a video note anywhere that they can edit content (e.g., announcements, course work, discussions, quizzes, etc.) and students can do the same (e.g., discussions, quiz answers, etc.). This video demonstrates how teachers can create video notes in daily announcements, course work (content), and most effectively - in discussion topics.
Check out the
D2L Brightspace Channel on Stream for lots of videos on D2L Brightspace specifically for the DCDSB
For all D2L Brightspace teacher tutorials and videos please go to the Launchpad Learning Portal (Brightspace homepage) and click the first link under "Teachers, do you want to learn how to use D2L in your course?". The Launchpad Learning Portal is found at: